Lois Ireland was given access to Hilliary Clinton's Instagram account for International Day of the Girl 2023. Lois Ireland with permission for Varsity

A Cambridge student recently staged a “bizarre” takeover of Hilary Clinton’s Instagram account.

Lois Ireland, a Theology and Philosophy student at Newnham, was given the chance to use the former presidential candidate’s account as part of a charity initiative, despite not even having applied for the role.

The former presidential candidate’s Instagram account has over six million followers.

The Instagram takeover marked International Day of the Girl 2023, which aims to educate individuals on the challenges faced by girls around the world.

In the takeover video, posted on Clinton’s Instagram, Ireland and another student discussed championing gender equality and showing support for girls and women from different global communities.

Ireland said that she hopes her takeover will push home the message that “anyone can be an activist”.

“I’ve always been interested in feminism and gender equality. I’m the Women and Non-Binary Officer on the JCR. It’s always my paramount focus,” she said.

Ireland described the experience of finding out by email that her application had been successful as “so bizarre” but also “very cool.”

The takeover was hosted by Plan International, a charity which pushes for children’s rights and equalities.

Plan International ran multiple takeovers across different professions and industries to mark International Day of the Girl.

Explaining the process, Ireland said: “I didn’t apply for the Hillary Clinton one - that was the one they assigned to me.”


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“When I thought about Hillary Clinton initially, I was like do all our political views align? Probably not 100% but it’s a platform that you can’t really pass up”, she continued.

Though the takeover was featured in national news outlets, Ireland said she was most proud of being featured in The Northern Echo and on her local radio station.

“Most people from where I’m from don’t go to university let alone do anything like it,” she said.

“It will be really good for younger people to see this, and to think I can do that too,” she continued, adding: “My mum got a message from her friend saying she had watched it [the video] with her daughter, and they were really inspired - I felt so emotional.”