Ben Lubitsh dissects gender equality in sports
Martha Lucas examines the unequal world of college rugby
Barney Blackburn sits down with the founder of Power2Inspire
American Sports
Louise Crary looks into the new settlement allowing the National Collegiate Athletic Association to pay university athletes
Barney Blackburn selects the colleges with the sportiest facilities
Joss Heddle-Bacon reflects on Ganguly’s recent talk and what it means for the future of test cricket
Joss Heddle-Bacon reports on the out-of-form Women’s Blues’ team as they face Durham
Formula 1
Ezra Izer discusses Formula 1′s crackdown on profanity and how it takes away from the sporting emotion which grips fans
Barney Blackburn speaks to some of Cambridge’s leading athletes who had the opportunity to compete in Japan last month
Captain's Corner
Romilly Norfolk talks to Trampolining co-president Millie Heathcote
Fitness fanatic Jasmine Eden Gray talks through the struggles of staying fit over the summer and how you can combat it
Barney Blackburn hands out prizes to the winners, losers, and improvers from this summer’s Premier League transfer window
Grace Cobb reminisces about the joys of an aesthetic May Week outing through the heart of Cambridge
Will Jonas ponders over the prospects of the England men’s cricket team post-World Cup
Alex Lee compares his experiences of the boating sports the Cam has to offer
Lloyd Lewis-Protheroe dives into the evolving world of boxing and the present condition of the sport
Ed Marsh confesses his new love for college cricket
As cricket becomes increasingly popular, Sophie Denny argues that rounders should not be left behind
Cambridge beat Oxford 4-1 to defend their title in the 11th esports Varsity, Ciara Aberdeen reports
Ed Marsh reports on the men’s Blues Varsity fixture
Cambridge football captains face the media
Caving Captain Lucy Hyde chats to Ed Marsh about Cambridge’s Caving Club
Alex Berry explores the reason behind dominance in college sport