Olivia Goodman talks to Apple Sershi about her life as a Cambridge StudyTuber
Vienna Kwan speaks to Presidents of May Week Alternative, Aarushi Malik and Sarannia Ragulan
Priya Watkinson talks to the writer, podcaster, actor, and comedian
The actress talks championing community, societal responsibility, and creating a screen-free future with Seyan Dattani
Alessio D’Angelo discusses his vision for the Union and life leasons from its speakers
Lauren Guye chats to Corpus Christi student Hannah Le Seelleur about bringing the college together to raise money for breast cancer
The trio speak to Sophie Denny about quitting their jobs to achieve their dream of becoming a full-time band
Anuk Weerawardana speaks @ratingcambridgecollegebars about what is the most integral aspect of a Cambridge college: its bar
Jude Crawley speaks to the scheme’s first ever recipient about breaking barriers and meeting the man
Long Read
The national treasure discusses his unconventional route from Cambridge to the TV screen
Pop science icon Professor Jim Al-Khalili CBE on Philomena Cunk, science outreach and the future of educational entertainment
Maddy Browne speaks to research fellow and ‘Club Urania’ founder about how we can build a queer space in Cambridge
Olivia Kiely speaks to a foundation year student about the challenges of integration and the intense academic pressure they face on the new course
Sam Nicholson discusses international diplomacy with Cambridge alumnus Peter Abbott
Naima Clarvis speaks to the Strictly singer ahead of his UK solo tour
Isabella Dowden talks international development with the history alumnus
Ella McCartney speaks to Robert Peston about journalism, geopolitics, and his ‘middle-aged dad’ rock cover band
Sophie Denny discusses period injustice with the founder of the ‘Love your Period’ campaign
‘We don’t hate May Balls!’ – Jorja Korosec, president of MWA, tells Varsity about her mission to get students donating to charity during May Week
Isabella Dowden speaks to the poet about her life as a refugee and humanitarian
Isabella Dowden chats to the owner of the much-loved Cambridge institution on the opening day of their new cake shop
‘It’s a beautiful, fantastic, scary, sweaty mess’ – no, not Rumboogie, it’s Reuben Kaye on his award-winning show, The Butch is Back!
Isabella Dowden speaks to Fiona Campbell about the channel’s legacy of defining youth culture, and why regional representation on TV matters
Abbie Hastie speaks to Michael Watts about his passion for politics, and what makes Queens’ Politics the best PolSoc in Cambridge