The punt carried campaigners and a polar bearSophie Shennan

On Sunday, Oxfam Cambridge University (Oxcam) floated a punt, bearing campaigners, placards and a polar bear, down the River Cam to protest against climate change. 

The punt, carrying Oxcam member Emma Toms in a polar bear costume, travelled along the Cambridge backs, starting at Clare and passing under Silver Street before returning to Clare.

In addition to the ‘stunt on a punt’, the society set up a stall where members handed out leaflets and talked about the climate change problem and the society to members of the public. The stall included a clock that indicated the 60 countries already affected by climate change.

Miriam Quinn, President of Oxcam and first-year student at Murray Edwards College, explained to Varsity the purpose of the stunt, which bore the slogan ‘Don’t miss the boat on climate change’: “Ice caps are melting, which is jeopardising the habitats of polar bears, but the places where people live, and their very way of life, are also under imminent threat. In Bangladesh, for example, between 15 and 30 million people are expected to become climate refugees by 2050 if current trends continue.”

She continued, “We hope that the campaign will inspire people to take action to do whatever they can, however big or small, to combat climate change. We’re also calling on world leaders to take action on climate change before it’s too late.”

The society was set up by Quinn in January of this year, and their campaigning this term is centred around the theme of climate change. Quinn explained the imminent need for action: “Climate change is not some distant concern only affecting the future, or only affecting people elsewhere, but rather it is something which is already having a major effect on the lives of people across the world.”


Mountain View

Students use red ribbons to campaign against climate change

Quinn told Varsity that the event had been “very successful”. “The punt really attracted the attention of passers-by, fellow punters and also lots of children wanting to know why there was a polar bear on the river!”

Oxcam’s focus for next term will be the refugee crisis, the centrepiece being the Week 2 main show at the Corpus Playroom, ‘Rights of Passage’ by Clare Summerskill. Quinn encouraged other students to contriibute to the campaign, saying, “If you’re passionate about ending global poverty and injustice, we’d love to have you involved with Oxcam!”