A new week, a new chapter: For some of you, this week brings prosperity; for others, peace. For those signs that are still weeing in their sinks, you get neither. All signs look out for tricks and treats; it’s a scary couple of weeks. Varsity predicts the trials and tribulations of Halloween season and mid-term mayhem.

Scorpio: Last week, we told you your energy needs protecting as of late. Drama has been brewing. But we’re so pleased that — against all odds — you managed to swallow your pride and choose peace over violence. Stay on that wave! You’re doing great, don’t blow it now. This week could be a good one for some quiet movie nights with friends at home.

Sagittarius: You’re a metropolitan baby at heart, Sagittarius — and these cobble-stoned, cyclist-ridden streets just aren’t doing it for you. You’re made for bigger, brighter places than the Sidgwick Site. Hop on the train to London for an evening to catch your breath and feel the buzz… you’ll come back feeling inspired.

Capricorn: Creativity is brewing for you, Cap. You’re canny, you’ve been watching the Cambridge arts scene for a while now, and your artistic insights have been simmering. Now’s the time to strike — pitch a show to the ADC, launch a zine, or head to a CUTAZZ class.

Aquarius: You’re spontaneous and adaptable, Aquarius — and you never say no to a party. Our matchmaking senses are tingling for you this week — and we're never wrong. If you catch wind of a silent disco, you’d better grab your headphones and get down to Sweet Home Alabama, no matter what you had planned for the night — we think a silent disco is no bad place to find love…

Pisces: Ring your mum, she misses you.

Aries: You’ve had to-do lists and timetables coming out of your ears this week, Aries. Newsflash: your goals are unrealistic. Stop packing so much in. As we broach Week 5 burnout, chill out — and what better place to do it than at the University of Cambridge?

Taurus: You love basking in the little pleasures of life, don’t you Taurus? It’s a shame you’re too burnt-out to change your bed sheets. Maybe this week, a bit of time in the sweet nature of Cambridgeshire would do you some good. Cycle down to the Botanical Gardens for some autumnal sun and a couple of hours away from it all.

Gemini: You put so much love out into the world, Gemini, and we’re all for it — now it’s time to let the love in. And you’ve got more people you can rely on than you think. Trust yourself, and look out for small, sweet signs of connection from your nearest and dearest, or reach out to an old friend. You’ll feel better for it.

Cancer: Someone new has entered the scene for you recently, Cancer! Wear your heart on your sleeve this week. We know you want to play it cool, but your new beau wants to hear you speak your truth just as much as you want a text back. It's your move.

Leo: What’s been going on, Leo?! You’ve had a triple essay week this week, and you swore you were going to pull some big library nights, and yet we found you in the wee hours of the morning doing something questionable; we won’t share what. Reality check, Leo. You can’t carry on like this — pull yourself together this week and get some early nights.


Mountain View

Varsity Horoscopes: this is your sign to take it easy

Virgo: You’ve been quite the social butterfly recently, Virgo! But watch your back — not everyone’s got your best interests at heart. New friends, unfortunately, aren’t always the gems you think they are. Ask yourself, do they really make your soul feel good?

Libra: You’ve not been feeling the love with the ol’ degree this week, Libra. Can you even remember how to use iDiscover? To be honest, we don’t blame you. But imagine what could happen if you reminded yourself why you chose your subject in the first place. Book that DoS meeting, talk it out, and get inspired.