The 99 year-old trip was postponed and later cancelled last year Wikimedia Commons

Tickets for the Oxbridge Varsity Ski Trip sold out in half an hour yesterday morning (21/10), as the trip’s organisers celebrated the fastest sell-out time ever recorded. 

Many students however were left disappointed that despite their 7am wake-up, they would have to wait another year to see the slopes. 

The trip, dating back to 1922, is a week of “snowsports, competitions, and events” with students from Oxford, taking place in the French ski resort Val Thorens, from 4th to 11th December. 

While in previous years tickets would take two hours to sell out, this year’s increased demand - partially down to the cancellation of the trip last year - meant that only 3000 of the 8000 waiting in the queue were able to secure tickets. 

Once the organisers declared the event was sold out, students flocked to Ticketbridge. Those keen to buy vastly outnumbered those willing to sell, with one student even offering their “soul” for a ticket. 


Mountain View

Student’s portrait installed onto walls of Homerton’s Great Hall during bop

In response to students re-selling tickets, Varsity released the following statement on their Facebook page:

“Varsity Trip does not condone selling tickets at inflated prices for individual gain. If your situation changes and you are unable to attend the trip, you will be able to swap the name on your ticket. This must be done through NUCO. If we see or are made aware of anyone selling their ticket for above the value they paid, this ticket runs the risk of being cancelled.” 

Those lucky enough to have got tickets will still have to cough up a £399 base fee, but can also look forward to a week of skiing and partying in the French Alps - a week well worth their tense wait yesterday morning.