Photo by Miruna Rapeanu

Welcome back nerds, you’re probably all excited about the new year with all its promise of romantic and academic success. Here’s a glimpse of what your term could look like, according to Varsity.

Aries: It’s okay to be argumentative Aries; it’s in your nature. Everyone loves a fiery spirit. But, know when to put it to good use. You could have a real fall out with your DOS otherwise, and nobody likes being the teacher’s least favourite. Don’t push too far, you may find new academic avenues open for you.

Taurus: This Michaelmas, a sensitive soul is on the cards to balance out your grounded, pragmatic energies. Opposites really do attract - if a Blackbird Poet starts paying you some attention, heed our words and don’t let them go. This could be your chance to bring out your emotional side - and you might just get some love letters in your pidge if you’re brave enough to open your heart…

Gemini: Oh Gemini, you’re snowed under this season. But this Michaelmas, it’s time to get out more! Get creative with your free time - go on a spontaneous night out to Junction! Have a raunchy rendezvous in the Divinity Library! Take a walk on the wild side - it’ll pay off when those deadlines start hitting, and your free spirit will be feeling the love.

Cancer: Watch out Cancer there’s Romance on the horizon this Michaelmas and you won’t find it at Sunday Lola’s. An old flame from Selwyn is on the cards; can they light your fire once more?

Leo: You are the lion of love, except when it comes to STEM students. Stop avoiding those DMs from the Phy Natsci; you’re shutting out a potential rocket of a relationship. Open up and maybe they can be a real star in your constellation.

Virgo: Strut your stuff Virgo, especially on Downing Site. Legend has it that Sidgwick is the place for style, but I’ve heard Downing is the new stomping group for BNOCs. If you wear your best outfits by Chemistry, you could be the Diamond of Downing this Autumn.

Libra: Libra. You’re everyone’s crush this Michaelmas. Your laid back lifestyle means you exude pheromones. You’re a pleasure to be around. It’s time you started thinking so too. You may find self love this Autumn at the Cambridge Yoga Studio just off Jesus Green. Channel that Zen darling!

Scorpio: Come on Scorpio, it’s time to broaden your culinary skills. Everyone is sick of the three meals in your repertoire, especially you. Meal planning isn’t working; where’s that spontaneity? Chances are, if you learn some new kitchen tricks and pop a cork, they’ll reward you in the bedroom.

Capricorn: Don’t be so serious this year capricorn. You won’t die if you get a 2:1 on that problem sheet. Letting your hair down might even feel a little better than the stress you carried over Easter. Channel your energy into being a social butterfly rather than living in a library cocoon.

Aquarius: Feeling unlucky in love? We have a funny feeling it’s time to look for love outside of college confines. Your college-cest habit has gone on too long, and we all know you’re terrible when you see your conquests at brunch. Broaden your horizons - there’s someone waiting to catch your eye in Arc Cafe, and you might just be going on study dates to AMES together come Week 7 if you pick up on their signals…


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Pisces: Don’t cry Pisces, you’ll be home again soon. Save your tears for the stage. That’s right! The ADC stage beckons. This is your sign to finally come out of your shell and show the world who you are - Olivia Rodrigo Spicy Pisces Style.

Sagittarius: You thrive with new beginnings! You love the promise of a night of chattering and new people. However, your social battery may dwindle come week 6. We predict burnout! Take breaks; you’ll feel fully charged if you pop on regular face masks and watch a film from the comfort of your sweet crib. Try once a fortnight, it will work miracles.