"Nissy and Courtney were a fond reminder of my sisters, and their unapologetic realness was like a breath of fresh air"Youtube: Nissy Tee

From Nissy Tee to Ibz Mo, Cambridge is certainly not short of legendary YouTubers who are unafraid to bring cultural diversity and ‘an extra sprinkling of seasoning’ to student life. Their ingeniously original content draws audiences from far and wide, challenging narratives, and providing a support network for those who identify with their experiences. When it comes to the increased presence of diversity, it is the likes of Courtney Daniella and the gang who should be showered with endless praise and gratitude: without the inspiring work of its YouTubers, Cambridge would see less black and ethnic minority (BME) students taking up their rightful spaces as both incoming, and current, undergraduates.

“Without the inspiring work of its YouTubers, Cambridge would see less black and ethnic minority students taking up their rightful spaces”

After having only discovered their videos in lent term of my first year, and spending hours watching as many as I could, my only regret was having not come across their YouTube channels sooner. Faced with the highs and lows of their time at Cambridge, I no longer felt alone in my struggles, and I began to wear my visibility as one of the few ethnic minority students with pride.

Nissy and Courtney were a fond reminder of my sisters, and their unapologetic realness was like a breath of fresh air in a stale reality which championed everything wrong with society. As for Ibz Mo, like everyone else who has had the pleasure of watching his hilarious videos, I immediately wanted to be his best friend for life. The power of their content to empower and embolden is such that everybody should be aware of its existence. The most satisfying aspect of the virtual space created by their media output is that, whilst the strive towards academic excellence plays a key role, their advocacy of self-love and resilience also encourages viewers to play to their individual strengths. As a result, the content is not exclusive, but instead encourages everyone to be the very best version of themselves.

Not only are Cambridge YouTubers responsible for establishing a sturdy platform for the next generation of content creators and students, but they also validate the presence of existing BME undergraduates who have difficulty identifying with the curricula, the traditions, and the student demographic. The increasing prominence of the Cambridge University African Caribbean Society (ACS), in which Nissy, Courtney and Ibz Mo have all had varying degrees of involvement, is a testament to the fact that BME students are not willing to accept the inferiority and under-representation to which they are subjected.

It is unsurprising that the spreading of Black Boy Joy in the ACS’ wildly successful Black Men of Cambridge campaign mirrors the self-appreciation and acceptance evident within the content of YouTubers whose work inspires similar messages. Despite concerns that the current atmosphere in Cambridge is one of the most politically charged in recent memory, it is important to remember that such environments create the perfect conditions for significant political and social change.

Irrespective of the familiar hardships they have encountered along their journeys- the academic disillusionment, the belittlement, and the criticism from those who do not share in their vision- it is uplifting to witness the unconditional support that these content creators offer to one another. Their selfless acts of solidarity in the face of adversity remind us that there is strength in numbers. And despite the often-misleading claims of main media outlets, their online presence shines a light on the real state of access at Cambridge. Why would we not want to stay woke with the aid of Nissy Tee’s unadulterated news outlet – BEBB Online – or make sure that our frontals are always on fleek with Courtney Daniella’s CDB Wigs? And why on earth would we not want to style it out in Ibz Mo’s eagerly awaited merchandise?


Mountain View

Cambridge needs to live up to its own diversity and inclusivity standards

After what feels like an eternity, positive spaces for people of colour are developing rapidly in Cambridge, because we are creating these spaces for ourselves. Without them, many peoples’ experiences would be unbearable, thus it is essential that we do everything within our power to preserve and further their growth.

There are many things that we can learn from our YouTubers which lectures and supervisions simply can’t, one of the most important being that before we expect others to love and accept us, we need to treat ourselves accordingly. The increased diversity in Cambridge is largely a result of this elevated frame of mind; not only are we loving ourselves enough to apply, but the love is so strong that when arrive, we are increasingly intent on remaining true to ourselves