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An undergraduate degree or an apprenticeship can help you break into the IT field, but continuing your education with a master’s program, a certificate program, or online courses is essential if you want to stay abreast of the latest innovations in the field.

This is crucial because many jobs in the IT sector, including the company, require individuals to acquire professional certificates demonstrating proficiency with specific programming languages, software packages, or processes.

Information technology (IT) refers to the use of computers, networks, and software to collect, organize, and manipulate data, and it has rapidly grown in importance in today’s businesses. Learning more about IT is a great method to increase your expertise and competitiveness in the field.

Many overseas students choose to study IT in London because of the city’s abundance of prestigious universities, broad job market, and rich cultural experiences.

Top IT Courses in London

Computer Science

The main focus is the study of creating, analyzing, and improving computerized systems. Its subject matter ranges far and wide, taking in OSs, languages, AI, NNs, DBs, and CGs, among many others.

It’s crucial for students interested in working in the IT sector since it lays the groundwork for understanding current computers.

Software Engineering

In Software Engineering, students learn how to create and improve software. Software engineering encompasses all computer science and software development aspects, from design to testing, techniques to architecture, and project management.


Cybersecurity is the study and practice of safeguarding computer systems and networks from intrusion. Some subjects covered include cryptography, data security, computer forensics, and network security. It’s a must-study for everyone serious about securing their computer system and protecting their data.

Data Science & Analytics

Data Science & Analytics is a great major if you want to learn how to analyze massive amounts of data with cutting-edge tools. It covers various disciplines, such as AI, data science, statistics, and data visualization.

Web & Mobile Development

Database design, user interface design, mobile app development, and web programming are all part of the Web & Mobile Development Study, which focuses on creating websites and mobile apps.

This field of study is a good option for those interested in designing and developing intuitive and aesthetically beautiful apps for the web and mobile devices.

UK’s Types of IT Courses

IT project management

An advanced degree is not required for IT project management; however, becoming certified in industry-standard practices is highly recommended. Among these, Agile has gained the most traction.

The practitioner certification requires passing a three-hour written scenario-based exam, whereas the foundational level certificate can be earned with a single-hour multiple-choice test.

Providers who the BCS has approved to give training for the certification exam.

Meanwhile, BCS provides Agile Scrum training for project managers and those keen on adopting Agile methods company-wide.

Online training companies also provide PRINCE2 (PRojects IN Controlled Environments) Agile courses for people already familiar with the PRINCE2 technique for project management.

Cloud computing courses

Taking a graduate-level course is one path to achieving your goal of becoming a cloud computing expert. You will need to have completed undergraduate studies in computer science or a similar field, though applicants with relevant work experience may also be considered.

When pursued full-time, a master’s degree can be earned in one year, and the average cost of tuition in the United Kingdom is between £5,00 and $12,000. For instance, the University of East London’s MSc Cloud Computing requires a year of study followed by a year-long work experience. The total price of the program is £10,320 (or $3,500 for placement).

Even though this will provide you with a solid foundation in the subject, employers prefer applicants who are familiar with the cloud platform they use. Therefore, attaining professional certifications may be the most effective means of skill development, especially if the research component of postgraduate study is either uninteresting or prohibitively expensive.

Cyber security courses

Professional certifications and advanced degrees in cyber security are available for anyone interested in working as an analyst.

A year of full-time study is typically required to graduate from a postgraduate program in the United Kingdom. A degree in a computing-related field is usually required for entry.

The National Cyber Security Centre (NCSC), a division of the British intelligence organization GCHQ recognizes many advanced degrees in cyber security.

Continuing your education is essential if you want to get forward in your chosen field after you’ve already started working. The NCSC, for instance, provides its CCP-guaranteed service at the practitioner, senior practitioner, and lead practitioner levels. This is the benchmark cyber security experts in the United Kingdom must meet.

Microsoft courses

Numerous companies worldwide rely on Microsoft products; thus, the business world highly values having a valid Microsoft certification in one or more of these areas.

Microsoft’s certifications are now divided into roles, with entry-level, intermediate, and advanced tiers offered for the most essential programs.

Software testing courses

Software testers ensure the quality of the products developed by the development team by identifying bugs and other problems through human and automated testing.

A degree or diploma in a computing-related discipline may be sufficient for entry into the workforce. However, gaining professional certifications will help you advance your career and show potential employers you’re capable.

Multiple intermediate and advanced software testing certificates are available from BCS. The target audience for the base requirements is anyone with even a passing interest in software testing. Accredited training and the ISTQB Certified Tester Foundation are prerequisites for more advanced certifications.

Web development courses

Working with front-end code like HTML 5, JavaScript, and CSS will teach you the fundamentals of website architecture. Still, eventually, you’ll want to go to more complex languages like Python and Ruby on Rails. W3Cx offers a professional certificate for front-end web developers just starting.

Those who care more about a site’s looks and functions may want to enroll in a web design school. Many institutions now offer introductory courses in this area through their online platforms.

There needs to be more effort within the marketing industry; to learn more about digital marketing.

Online IT courses

Once you’ve decided on an IT credential you’d like to pursue, you can study for the associated examinations by enrolling in the classroom or online courses. These usually take between one and five days to finish. Common exam formats include a multiple-choice format and a duration of two hours.

Your company might pay for these IT classes. Exam registration and administration expenses may be included, or you may have to pay the official provider separately. Verify this before making any final decisions.