Image: Timo Volz on

With its vibrant culture, stunning landscapes, and thriving economy, Taiwan has become an increasingly popular destination for expats seeking new opportunities. If you’re planning to move to this beautiful island nation, here are some essential tips to help you navigate your transition and make the most of your experience.

Visa and documentation

Before packing your bags, ensure you have the necessary visa and work permits to live and work in Taiwan legally. The visa is important so that you can enter Taiwan legally with the purpose of the entrance you have. The most relevant ones for expats are resident and visitor visas.

You will have to hold an Alien Resident Certificate as proof of your legal residence in Taiwan. The requirements may depend on why you reside, but they generally include your passport, visa, application photo, and documents proving the legality of your entry and stay in Taiwan.


When finding housing in Taiwan, consider exploring various avenues to secure the right accommodation. In addition to online platforms like and, check leveraging networking opportunities. Connect with local expat communities through social media groups or forums, as they can provide valuable insights and recommendations. Attend expat meetups or events, where you can meet people who have already established themselves in Taiwan and may have leads on available rentals.

Additionally, reach out to colleagues or friends already living in Taiwan and ask for their assistance or recommendations. Networking can significantly increase your chances of finding suitable housing and provide you with a support system as you settle into your new home.


Taiwan boasts a national healthcare system whose compulsory scheme allows all Taiwanese residents and expats with residency cards to receive treatment in government-approved medical centers. The medical centers are then reimbursed for their fees by the National Health Insurance (NHI) system.

Private health insurance in Taiwan can be a valuable asset for expats, offering additional coverage and peace of mind. While Taiwan’s National Health Insurance (NHI) program provides affordable healthcare, private insurance can fill gaps in coverage, including access to private hospitals, English-speaking doctors, and specialized treatments. Research reputable insurance providers that offer expat-specific plans to obtain private health insurance in Taiwan. Compare their coverage options, including outpatient care, hospitalization, dental and vision services, and prescription medication coverage. 


While English is spoken in some urban areas, learning Mandarin will greatly enhance your experience and integration into Taiwanese society. Consider taking language classes or using language learning apps to improve your Mandarin skills. It will also help you communicate more effectively in daily life and business settings.


Opening a local bank account will streamline your financial transactions in Taiwan. Research reputable banks like Mega International Commercial Bank, Cathay United Bank, and Chinatrust Commercial Bank. Ensure you have the necessary documents, such as your passport, Alien Resident Certificate (ARC), and proof of address to open an account.


Taiwan offers a range of transportation options to help you navigate the island efficiently. The Mass Rapid Transit (MRT) system is a popular mode of transportation in major cities like Taipei, Kaohsiung, and Taoyuan. The MRT provides convenient and reliable subway services with extensive coverage, making it easy to travel within the city and explore its surroundings.

Additionally, buses are widely available and cover both urban and rural areas, offering an economical way to get around. Taiwan’s high-speed rail (HSR) network connects major cities, allowing for quick and convenient travel between destinations.

For shorter trips, consider using bicycles, as many cities in Taiwan have dedicated bike lanes and public bike rental services.

Finally, taxis and ride-hailing services like Uber and Lyft are readily available for convenient door-to-door transportation.

Cultural etiquette

Taiwanese people are known for their hospitality and politeness. Understanding and respecting local customs and etiquette will help you integrate smoothly. Learn basics like bowing as a sign of respect, removing your shoes when entering someone’s home, and using both hands when giving or receiving items. Taiwanese people will appreciate your efforts to embrace their culture.

Food and dining

Taiwanese cuisine is a culinary delight, with abundant flavors and unique dishes. Explore the local night markets where you’ll find an array of street food delicacies. Be adventurous and try traditional dishes like stinky tofu, beef noodle soup, and pineapple cake. Remember to learn how to use chopsticks, as they are commonly used in Taiwan.


Taiwan has excellent internet infrastructure, ensuring you can stay connected wherever you go. Consider purchasing a local SIM card for your mobile phone to enjoy affordable data plans. Leading telecom providers like Chunghwa Telecom, Taiwan Mobile, and FarEasTone offer various packages to suit your communication needs.

Connecting with fellow expats can provide valuable support and assistance during your transition. Join online forums, social media groups, and local meetups to connect with other expats. They can offer advice, share experiences, and help you feel more at home in your new surroundings.

Moving to Taiwan offers the world of opportunities, adventure, and cultural experiences. By familiarizing yourself with these essential tips, you’ll be well-prepared to embrace your new life in this vibrant and welcoming country.