Image: Lorendiz Gonzalez on

The elusive blue checkmark on TikTok is a symbol of authenticity and credibility. It’s a status symbol that many creators aspire to, as it not only validates their presence but also enhances their visibility on the platform. However, the process of getting verified on TikTok can seem mysterious, especially when it comes to understanding the role of follower count in achieving this milestone.

Understanding TikTok Verification

TikTok verification is intended to confirm the authenticity of the accounts of key individuals and brands. It’s mainly targeted towards public figures, celebrities, brands, and influencers. The blue checkmark is meant to help users distinguish between genuine creators and impostors, thereby fostering a trustworthy environment.

Is There a Follower Threshold?

Contrary to popular belief, there is no specific follower count required to get verified on TikTok. While TikTok followers growth might indicate popularity and influence, TikTok does not explicitly state a minimum follower threshold as part of its verification criteria. This is different from platforms like YouTube or Instagram, where follower metrics are more transparently linked to account verification.

Factors Influencing Verification

Although follower count alone isn’t a qualifier for verification, several other factors play a critical role:

  1. Notability: TikTok tends to verify users who are notable in their field. This could include celebrities, influencers, or individuals who have a significant presence in other media. News articles, features, and public recognition can contribute to the notability factor.
  2. Authenticity: The account must represent a natural person, registered business, or entity. The content posted must be genuine and align with TikTok’s community standards and terms of service.
  3. Activity: Regular activity and engagement on the platform are crucial. This means more than just posting videos frequently but also interacting with followers through comments, participating in trends, and having consistent engagement metrics.
  4. Uniqueness: The account must be the unique presence of the person or business it represents. Only one account per person or business entity may be verified, except for language-specific accounts.

Improving Your Chances of Getting Verified

To enhance your likelihood of verification, focus on building your brand and presence both on and off TikTok:

  1. Increase Visibility: Engage with popular trends, use relevant hashtags, and create high-quality content that resonates with your audience.
  2. Build a Cross-Platform Presence: Having a solid following on multiple social platforms can help establish your notability.
  3. Garner Media Attention: Media appearances can boost your profile and establish your reputation as an influential figure.
  4. Maintain an Active and Engaging Profile: Regularly post content that engages viewers and encourages interaction to maintain high engagement rates.

The Verification Process

Currently, TikTok’s verification process is primarily internal and handled by TikTok’s moderation team. There is no way to apply for verification; it is awarded at TikTok’s discretion. However, high-profile users and brands can potentially expedite their verification through PR agencies or direct contact with TikTok support if they believe they meet the criteria.

Ultimately, getting verified on TikTok is about more than just having a large number of followers. It’s about establishing your significance as a creator or brand in the larger cultural or social landscape. Focus on building a genuine, engaging, and active presence on TikTok, and let your unique brand personality shine through. While the verification may be a beneficial status symbol, the quality of your interactions and content remains paramount.