Never fear the solutions are hereGenie


1. Granny Smith:   Old woman shoes horses for eating (6,5)

7. rent - to hire a musical (4)

8. sepal - Copper in crest makes a bit of a bloomer (5)

9. Edam - Cheese is made backwards (4)

10. louse – spirit backwards with ecstasy makes bug (5)

12. locate – discover the French about old feline (6)

15. remark – to comment about man (6)

16. chess – game for revolutionary with ship (5)

18. agar - Jelly held by zigzag array (4)

19. lunch – let us now chew ham initially, as meal (5)

21. ezra – raze abnormal book (4)

22. Roger rabbit: Message received by religious leader with time, he was framed (5,6)



1. Gorilla: cook interrupted by love with a large ape (7)

2. nuts – crazy like Brazil (4)

3. yuppy – wealthy young professional is unknown dog without a penny (5)

4. Million: Large amount to grind one functioning  (7)

5. telepath: visionary mixed palette with hydrogen (8)

6. grace – girl says prayer (5)

11. sombrero –  hat is dull with gold backing (8)

13. proline: chocolate filling containing oxygen instead of a protein constituent (7)

14. asphalt – stop following a snake on the road (7)

15. right – correct, not port.  (5)

17. inner – hesitation after hotel centre (5)

20. herb - ingredient in kosher beef (4)


Congratulations to Tom Merry for being the first to submit the correct solutions.