1. Library fines

2. Weekly emails for the past two years reminding me to pay these fines. No, English Faculty Library, you are not getting that 25p

3. The fact that it always rains on a Wednesday; unfailingly the day that I will have to leave college for a lecture or supervision

4. The lengthy walk to the laundry room, which invariably has no machines available 

5. Paying for said laundry

6. Ineffective college staff – please don’t take my tea light holders because they are a “fire hazard”, you can’t ignite glass

7. Guilt for not making the most of my Union membership. Then going to my sixth event in three years and thinking, “this probably isn’t worth £30”

8. Cycling in a hail storm

9. Hail stopping when I have arrived

10. People that stop lectures to ask question or to go back to the previous slide, or debate with the lecturer. You might like the sound of your own voice, but I did not come to Mill Lane at 9am to hear how much you have read

11. Half a bottle of wine limit at formal

12. Paying corkage – on that half bottle

13. Murray Edwards’ refusal to serve crowd-pleasers at formal. A ‘poached pear’ is not a dessert

14. The extreme offence and moral high ground that students take towards any and every issue

15. Absent-minded pedestrians stepping into the road when I am cycling

16. Food theft d-r-a-m-a

17. The never ending “Extras” on the college bill

18. The lingo – and the assumption from first day of first year that you know what a ‘natsci’ is

19. Spending Sundays in a library

20. Doing exams

If you have a few things to say 'Bye, Bitch' to, let us know – we'll probably agree – at features@varsity.co.uk