Daniel Gayne

At least I have an orange

was the way we used to describe
the kaleidoscope of ‘academic
mental masturbation’ (thank you Fourmaux, 2016)
that strips your neuronic clothes and focus.
And because there’s no
rhyme for this,
I’ll insert this here:
(thank you Hattie, circa 2006, I’ve never had the chance to do that)
Because the volume of juice
you need to squeeze out
need not be so grand
As “insert academically nominalised
sentence with something like
___________ in it”.
So long as you can feel more
Think less
(thank you Chaplin, ????)
You’ll be fine
(thank you Andrews, 2014).
The world needs more of it
And this is outside
productivity conundrum syndrome
(thank you Andreea, 2016)
Everything could be made to look
So start,
Because you will be fine
(thank you again, Andrews, 2014)

So long as you have an orange                                     of course.

Key: bold denotes side note in journal.