Halloween is here, and the scariest day of the year fittingly arrived on a Monday morning. A Varsity teamincluding photographer Tobia Nava, sought the best costumes of the night from those making their way into bustling parties.

I hadn't seen the 118 guys in years, glad to see they are well
Pirates were spotted outside the Van of Death
A cowboy was found getting some cheesy chips
My Blobby?
Is anyone in this photo? I can't find themTobia Nava
A Roman emperor and the devil
Spooky witches and an elf
Mr. Incredible scaring off incoming traffic
Some people didn't put as much effort in
Eleven from Stranger Things showing off their supernatural abilities
The 118 guys and a serial killer?
Disney princesses had helpfully captioned themselves
Hocus pocus?
Prisoners had broken out to hit the town

Before we knew it the streets had become empty once everyone had made there way inside to party... a ghost town in more ways than one. But from the sounds of things as we trundled back, it promised to be a lively night.